Conference on September 7 at 17:00
"COVID update"
Scientific organizer
Technical organizer


Event moderator:

Alla Volokha
Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Immunology of the National Educational Institution of Ukraine named after P. Shupyk, MD N.
Event speakers:

Anna Gilfanova
Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Immunology, PL Shupyk National Medical University of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences N.

Yarina Boyko
pediatric rheumatologist, head. children's clinic of Immunology and Rheumatology ZSDMC, prof. department wedge. of Immunology and Allergology of LNMU named after Danylo Halytsky, nat. PRINTO coordinator in Ukraine, doc. m. n.

Fedor Lapiy
Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Pediatric Immunology, PL Shupyk National Medical University of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences N.

Julia Klymyshyn
Cardiologist of the State Institution "Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery", Candidate of Medical Sciences N.

Irina Voloshina
Dr. Med. n., prof. Department of Family Medicine, Therapy, Cardiology and Neurology FPO ZSMU, Member of the Board of the NGO "Academy of Family Medicine of Ukraine", NGO "Parents for Vaccination"

Galina Kiselyova
Product development specialist
KN Infectology of the medical department, medical laboratory "DILA"