"Allergy, immunity and lesions of the oral cavity: what do they have in common"
Scientific-practical conference
January 26, 2023 | online
5BPR points
!!!! The program is at the stage of formation. Changes are possible
Acute infectious stomatitis (enteroviral, herpetic, other): causes and help
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis – the role of inborn errors of immunity in its development (neutropenia, STAT1 GOF, other chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, RELA, Crohn's, etc.)
Oral care and prevention of relapses of aphthous stomatitis (dialogue with the dentist)
Allergy to anesthetics in the practice of a dentist - debatable issues of diagnosis
Hereditary angioedema, features of management during dental interventions

Olena Sharikadze
d. honey Ph.D., associate professor, director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and BPR of the P.L. Shupyka

Ph.D., MD, director of the medical-biological center "Henom", lecturer of Obstetrics, Gynecology and perinatology department, P. Shupyk National Medical University of Ukraine

Anastasia Sharikadze
periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic

Maryana Slobodianyk
k. med. Ph.D., periodontist, teacher of the Center for the Improvement of Junior Specialists with Medical Education in the Specialty "Dentistry" of the National University of Health Care of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupyka, private practice

Anastasia Sharikadze
periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic
viewing the broadcast, access to the recording of the conference, the opportunity to take a test and receive a certificate with BPR points
150 hryvnias
for members of the NGO "MMAMP"
viewing the broadcast, access to the recording of the conference, the opportunity to take a test and receive a certificate with BPR points
75 hryvnias
only viewing the broadcast live, without access to the recording, without the possibility of receiving a certificate with BPR points
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Лікарські спеціальності для яких передбачено отримання балів БПР:
Алергологія, Анестезіологія, Дерматовенерологія, Дитяча алергологія, Дитяча анестезіологія, Дитяча дерматовенерологія, Дитяча ендокринологія, Дитяча отоларингологія, Дитяча хірургія, Дитячі інфекційні хвороби, Ендокринологія, Загальна практика - сімейна медицина, Інфекційні хвороби, Медицина невідкладних станів, Неврологія, Неонатологія, Нефрологія, Ортопедична стоматологія, Пародонтологія, Педіатрія, Пластична хірургія, Стоматологія, Судова медицина, Судово-медична експертиза, Судово-медична імунологія, Терапевтична стоматологія, Терапія, Трансплантологія, Фізична та реабілітаційна медицина, Хірургічна дерматологія, Хірургічна стоматологія, Хірургія
Scientific conference provides participants 5 BPR points.
Certificates for participation will be receivedonly those participants who will pass the test after the event and get at least 60% of the correct answers.
During the day after the conferenceYou will receive an email with a link to the test. You cantake the test by January 29until 19:00.
If you have not received a link to the test within 24 hours, please contact us by phone +380930126030
Ultrasound protocol in the third trimester of pregnancy