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"Allergy, immunity and lesions of the oral cavity: what do they have in common"

Scientific-practical conference

January 26, 2023 | online



5BPR points 


!!!! The program is at the stage of formation. Changes are possible

  • Acute infectious stomatitis (enteroviral, herpetic, other): causes and help

  • Recurrent aphthous stomatitis – the role of inborn errors of immunity in its development (neutropenia, STAT1 GOF, other chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, RELA, Crohn's, etc.)

  • Oral care and prevention of relapses of aphthous stomatitis (dialogue with the dentist)

  • Allergy to anesthetics in the practice of a dentist - debatable issues of diagnosis

  • Hereditary angioedema, features of management during dental interventions


Антоніна Нижник 1.jpg


Ph.D., MD, director of the medical-biological center "Henom", lecturer of Obstetrics, Gynecology and perinatology department, P. Shupyk National Medical University of Ukraine

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Олег Ролєнков

CEO мережі медичних коворкінгів Kabimed

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Олександр Кирманов

к.м.н. (Phd); асистент кафедри ортопедичної стоматології ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького; член European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD); почесний член ГО «Всеукраїнська спілка дистанційного навчання»; сертифікований спеціаліст системи відбілювання зубів Philips Zoom; сертифікований спеціаліст системи відбілювання зубів Beyond Dental USA; автор першого онлайн курсу по відбілюванню зубів HOWTOBLEACH

Владислав Смірнов.JPG

Anastasia Sharikadze

periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic

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Anastasia Sharikadze

periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic

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Anastasia Sharikadze

periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic

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Anastasia Sharikadze

periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic


Anastasia Sharikadze

periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic

Євген Кульчицький.jpg

Anastasia Sharikadze

periodontologist, dental surgeon. Member of the European Association of Periodontologists. Periodontist of Andriy Lukashuk Dental Clinic


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ВСІ лікарські спеціальності

  • Ultrasound protocol in the third trimester of pregnancy


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